Season 8
Adausu Emuobo Taiwo
Season 8 Winner
Adausu Emuobo Taiwo, an expert in elderly care and the brain behind Teezee Elderly Care emerged the Winner at the grand finale of The Next Titan Season-8, The Uncaged edition.
Of the top 18 Contestants, Taiwo competed with four others- Joy Badaki, Dolapo Quadri, Esin Mariah and Victor Emaye to emerge the Winner.
During the premiere of the over 20, 000 participants who applied, only 18 contestants emerged of the 75 who made it through online and physical auditions from six major cities in Nigeria which are Abuja, Kano, Port Harcourt, Enugu, Ibadan and Lagos. After the Boot Camp the 18 who qualified made it into the Titan House for 10weeks to compete against top notch young entrepreneurs.